Thursday, May 10, 2012

Choose your weapon "Text Editor"

On this P2PU task we are asked to write a review on text editors.

The following reviews are based on a prior P2PU task that asked us to build a very simple page (about 14 lines of codes). I tried the same code on the following 3 editors:

Nothing is simpler than this tool. However, when working on complex pages you might find yourself spending too much time on tasks that could be easily done on other editors such as Dreamweaver.

Great visual aid to review the code. I like the simplicity of saving the files in whatever format you need (you can do the same on notepad but this one seems more intuitive). As Notepad, this tool is free as well so I would say a good bet for beginners.

I've been lucky to have access to Dreamweaver at work. I have to say that this would be my favorite tools. The split view is the best way to obtain immediate gratification.  However, its cost is a rough biting to the wallet.

I hope this can be helpful to any new P2PU students.


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